Les objectifs de la formation Training of employees in cyber security (E-learning) :
- To know the good practices in terms of cybersecurity in the company on a daily basis
Modalité Pédagogique
100% DigitalProgramme
Cybersecurity: What are we talking about?
- Vulnerability
- Threat
- Attack
- Information system objective
Essential good practices to prevent cyber risk
- Access protection
- Safe use of the internet
- E-mail
- Nomadic workstations
- Social engineering
- How to react in case of an attack
Pour qui ?
- All participants
- No prerequisites
Document(s) délivré(s) suite à l'évaluation des acquis
- End of course certificate
Le + Apave
+ Downloading of a summary of good practices
+ Possibility of customisation with the integration of your IT charter and your internal documents
+ A complete offer to support you in the prevention of cyber security risk: awareness, training, diagnosis
+ A complete offer to support you in the prevention of cybersecurity risk
+ Possibility of customisation with the integration of your IT charter and your internal documents
+ A complete offer to support you in the prevention of cyber security risk: awareness, training, diagnosis
+ A complete offer to support you in the prevention of cybersecurity risk
Découvrez toutes les sessions disponibles en région et dans les DROM-COM
Training of employees in cyber security (E-learning)
Réf : SPA801
100% Digital
Les formations en relation
FormationSPM010Devenir chargé de sûreté5 jours - 35 heures
FormationSPA006Bien accueillir les personnes handicapées au sein de son établissement0,5 jour - 3,5 heures
FormationSPA806Initier le personnel à l'accueil et l'accompagnement des personnes en situation de handicap (E-learning)20 minutes
FormationSPM002Connaître et appliquer dans l'entreprise les dispositions réglementaires liées à la sûreté2 jours - 14 heures
FormationSPM003Manager la sûreté dans son entreprise3 jours - 21h